Company name


Country of Incorporation

81, #01-43 Ayer Rajah Crescent, 139967

Enterprise Type



ICT and Media

Ampotech is a connected hardware company based in Singapore specializing in the collection and analysis of electricity usage data from the built environment. The company was founded in late 2014 as a spin-off from the Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC), a University of Illinois affiliated research center that is one of Singapore leading information technology research institutes.

Based on its technology and intellectual property, the company subsequently received a two-stage innovation grant (iGrant) from the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore in 2015. Since its inception, Ampotech has been featured in events such as the IEEE HardTech Summit and Utilities TECHX conference and has been recognized as a top company in global deep tech and energy tech startup competitions.

Ampotech's story as an A*STAR and University of Illinois spin-off, is bringing its internet of things (IoT) enabled power monitoring solutions to India.

Innovators, not Integrators.

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