Company name

Asia Business Trade Association (ABTA)

Country of Incorporation

41A Ann Siang Road, 069717

Enterprise Type

Trade Association / Chamber of Commerce


Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Professional Societies

The Asia Business Trade Association (ABTA) serves as the premier business association dedicated to the promotion of regional trade issues in cooperation with governments. The Association represents companies based in Asia to support improved cross-border trade and regulatory policies.

The ABTA is a resource for both governments and business community, acting as an advocate, thought-leader and capacity building partner on key cross-cutting trade issues. ABTA brings together different sectors and firms of different sizes with governments to develop better trade and business environments for Asia.

The ABTA represents Asia-based companies and has three pillars of activities:

1) trade agreements, (such as TPP11 or CPTPP and RCEP)

2) next generation trade issues and

3) supporting smaller firms (encouraging smaller businesses).

Each pillar includes working committees designed and run by ABTA members.

The Association provides thought leadership on fast evolving issues of concern to companies, governments and regulators. As an example, one key pillar of ABTA work examines Next Generation Trade topics for the purpose of providing important opportunities for industry and government to consider together the changing landscape of trade in Asia in areas like the digital economy, fintech or new manufacturing technologies.

The Association helps firms connect to the latest policies and trends. The network of companies across Asia allows firms to leverage on one another, learn best practices and see the latest developments in business. This gives ABTA members an ability to enhance their performance and capabilities to deliver tangible results and compete more effectively in a dynamic and changing business environment.

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