Company name

Association of Electronic Industries in Singapore (AEIS)

Country of Incorporation

9 Jurong Town Hall Road #03-03, TA Hub Singapore 609431, 609431

Enterprise Type

Trade Association / Chamber of Commerce


Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Professional Societies

The Association of Electronic Industries in Singapore (AEIS) is a non-profit organization and the only industry association representing the electronics business in Singapore.

AEIS represents all facets of the electronics and supporting services industries. It covers manufacturers of industries electronics, electronic components and consumer electronics products as well as industrial companies associated with the electronics industry.

Since its inception on 7 November 1973, AEIS has played a vital role in promoting the industries not only within Singapore, but also in the international business community. This is achieved through its ongoing trade development efforts to help Singapore companies better penetrate and favourably position itself in the overseas markets.

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