Company name

Cashdro Technologies PTE LTD

Country of Incorporation

#02-161, IMM Building, 2 Jurong East Street 21, 609601

Enterprise Type




CashDro is the leading manufacturer of Point-of-Sale cash management devices and is present in more than 30 countries and its products are customized to accept more than 20 currencies.

CashDro has a professional distribution channel in Europe (Euro zone) that consists on certified distributors with commercial and technical knowledge that give commercial and technical support in all the territory. The Certified CashDro Technicians regularly attend training courses held by the manufacturer and have to pass the evaluation test in order to guarantee that they have acquired necessary know-how in order to give qualified services to the clients.

In the rest of the world, CashDro commercializes its products through Concessions that have exclusive product distribution rights in the country or in the geographical zone, and that have their own professional channel formed from distributors and highly-qualified Official Technical Services that follow quality and professional standards defined by Cashdro.

CashDro Technologies (Singapore) was established on 2017

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