Company name

CF Global Technologies Pte Ltd

Country of Incorporation

No 3, Tuas Ave 10, 639127

Enterprise Type



Precision Engineering

Since its inception in 1976, Chong Fong has grown from an entrepreneurial venture to a dynamic and globally recognized company which provides custom engineering solutions for various industries, ranging from automobile production line and equipment, home appliances production line and equipment as well as semiconductor parts and OEM for some of world's renowned brands.

Our broad spectrum of engineering / manufacturing solutions and custom service offerings not only allows us to add value to our customers but also ensures that all our local and overseas clients have a smooth and efficient connection in their projects while they worked with us. Based on the specifications and requirements provided, our team of experts in the various areas can recommend you the right solutions and help you maximize your company's operation needs.

Besides our various footprints and offices in the Asia region, we are also proud to partner with a stable of local and world renowned industry leaders and strategic partners whose mindset is synonymous with the quality of service we constantly provide to our customers. Over the years, their expertise in various industries has helped us achieve better relationships and contribute to the growth of our clients.

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