Company name
Hermes-Epitek Corporation Pte Ltd
Country of Incorporation
4 Changi North Street 1, Hermes-Epitek Centre, 498816
Enterprise Type
Hermes-Epitek Corporation was founded in 1977 in Taiwan. Hermes-Epitek Corporation Pte Ltd was established in Singapore in 1992.
Over the years we have become the leading player in this industry by holding true to our vision :
To be a World Class Service Company for the Semiconductor and Opto-Electronic Industry.
We further expanded our operations into South East Asia, China and Europe to service the fast evolving industry, growing to be one of the world's largest independent distributors of advanced semiconductor equipment and services.
Today, Hermes-Epitek has over 1, 500 employees in the world. We provide the best-of-breed equipment and product lines integration, maximizing customers' effectiveness of capital investment and improved productivity.
We offer comprehensive value-added services covering equipment, chemical and material distribution, technical support, training, parts supply, inventory management, equipment modification, refurbishment and upgrade, parts repair, and relocation services.
Hermes-Epitek Corp. has evolved into an international semiconductor manufacturer and one of the world's largest high-tech equipment distributors. Moreover, Hermes-Epitek has taken part in the equipping of all major wafer fabrication plants in Taiwan, China and the Southeast Asian region.
Hermes-Epitek has, for over three decades, sold, installed and serviced more than 13, 000 Front and Back-end systems in Taiwan, China and South East Asia.