Company name
iClick Media Pte. Ltd.
Country of Incorporation
246 MacPherson Road #02-01, 348578
Enterprise Type
Established since 2009, iClick Media is an ISO 9001-Certified Digital Marketing Company in Singapore. We are proud to share that we have achieved both the Google Premier Partner and Yahoo/Bing Certified Partner status in Singapore. We are also the recipient of the Singapore Quality Class award and 3 years in a row Great Place To Work winner.
About us
As one of the market leaders in the Digital Advertising industry, we currently employ over 30 staff in Singapore, Indonesia, India and Philippines. At the present moment, we have 2 offices in Singapore and 1 in Jakarta (Indonesia). Our headquarters is at MacPherson Road and we also have a full-fledged photo studio at Kallang Place. This allows our photographer to capture the necessary still images/moving footages to be used on our client’s website, Social Media platforms, Advertising channels and etc.