Company name
JusSnap Pte Ltd
Country of Incorporation
9A Ontario Avenue, The Windsor, #01-01B, 576200
Enterprise Type
JusSnap is an A*STAR Start up and is founded by proven entrepreneurs Vernon Neo and Malcolm Chua. As the name suggests, JusSnap is a cross-platform mobile app which allows you to retrieve information from images. JusSnap is available for Android and iOS .
Malcolm was the Head of the Technology Adoption Programme (TAP) for A*STAR and pioneered the creation of A*STAR Ready-to-Go (RTG) technologies. RTG technologies had over 1900 adoption of SMES including the popular Snap2Tell RTG (previous incarnation of JusSnap) which has over 400 adoptions. His leadership abilities and experience with understanding A*STAR technology and bringing it to the SME would be crucial to JusSnap.
Vernon is a serial entrepreneur with multiple successful ventures and has business development experience across a range of organisations from MNCs to SMEs and Start ups. Utilising his deep market insights with SMEs and the consumer market, he is a cornerstone to the growth of JusSnap.
Our latest collaboration with The Edge Singapore publication using JusSnap platform (using the Snap2Tell algorithm licensed from A*STAR) to bring digital media contents to their readers through prints.