Company name

Singapore Health Technologies Consortium

Country of Incorporation

E7, 15 Kent Ridge Crescent, #04-01, 119276

Enterprise Type

Government / Institute of Higher Learning


Government / Institutes of Higher Learning
Tech Consortium

The Singapore Health Technologies consortium (HealthTEC.SG) is supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) to develop the health technology ecosystem. We focus on both software- and hardware-based health technologies that will transform health and wellness. Though facilitating partnerships across academia, industry and healthcare institutions, the Consortium accelerates the adoption and value capture of technologies developed in the Singapore public sector by the industry.

To create opportunities for synergies between different stakeholders in the ecosystem, HealthTEC.SG organises health technology symposia, seminars and workshops for public attendance, as well as exclusive networking events for our members. HealthTEC.SG is a National Platform hosted in the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR). In addition, the Consortium is positioned as a platform to attract regional companies to innovate in Singapore.

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