Company name

Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI)

Country of Incorporation

SICCI Building, 31 Stanley Street, 068740

Enterprise Type



Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Professional Societies

In a highly dynamic global market place, SICCI plays three key roles ' it is a connector, enabler and advocator. It provides the necessary linkages and connections to its members so that they are able to grow their businesses locally and internationally. It provides the necessary training courses, programmes and activities, thus enabling its members to enhance their knowledge, expertise and competencies, and build capabilities. It advocates the views of its members at appropriate platforms so that these views are taken into account during policy formulation.

These strategic foci and thrusts have ensured that SICCI continues to remain relevant in meeting the diverse and changing needs of the members; relevant in communicating and representing the views of the members to the government; relevant in linking the members to the larger business community; and relevant in connecting the members to countries that act as potential markets.

As the body representing the Singapore Indian business community, SICCI also serves as the community's spokesman at various private and public sector platforms in Singapore. Apart from its role in the business environment, it is an exemplary corporate citizen, playing a leading role in the promotion of social welfare and in Singapore's nation building.

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