Company name
Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers (SIAE)
Country of Incorporation
70 Seletar Aerospace View, 797564
Enterprise Type
Trade Association / Chamber of Commerce
The Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers (SIAE) is a non-profit organisation, dedicated to aviation safety and aerospace technology. Since its formation in 1975, the Institute has provided aerospace engineers and professionals with opportunities to exchange ideas and share knowledge for their professional development which is important for creating a vibrant aerospace industry in Singapore.
SIAE membership comprises aviation professionals and corporations. We are the Corporate Partner of the Royal Aeronautical Society of UK, a Charter Member of the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) and a member of the International Federation of Airworthiness.
SIAE continuing education programs have helped to upgrade aerospace engineers and maintain a pool of certified personnel to support the aerospace industry. SIAE will continue to encourage and provide aerospace professionals with opportunities to increase their knowledge and skills. In addition to conducting courses through our professional development centre, Air Transport Training College Pte Ltd (ATTC), we also organise Seminars and Conferences to update our members on the latest developments in aerospace technology.
SIAE has been actively supporting government agencies in developing and validating training standards for the Aero WSQ. We will continue to serve the industry as a resource centre for aerospace professionals and aviation enthusiasts, encouraging interests for research and development that will spearhead Singapore lead as an aviation hub of choice.