Company name

Singapore Retailers Association

Country of Incorporation

1 Coleman Street The Adelphi, 523498

Enterprise Type

Trade Association / Chamber of Commerce


Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Professional Societies

Singapore Retailers Association (SRA) was founded in 1977, originally as the Singapore Retail Merchants Association by 10 leading retailers. It is a non-profit, independent/non-governmental retail trade body in Singapore, funded entirely by the private sector. Led by 18 Council Members from leading companies and SMEs, SRA's vision is to be the respected and collective voice of the retail industry and advance the interests of the retail industry via insights, education and strategic collaborations. SRA organise a wide range of year-round programmes ranging from industry events and conferences, market insights sharing sessions, training and masterclasses, local learning journeys and overseas study missions as well as professional guidance and mentorship for retailers brand growth and business development. The composition of its membership of about 450 reflects the diversity and vibrance of Singapore’s retail industry - Fashion Apparel/& Accessories, Furniture and Furnishings, Electrical & Electronics, Watch & Accessories, Beauty & Wellness, Telecommunications, Specialty and Food Retail, Department Stores and Supermarket/Convenience Stores.

SRA is committed to further its cause and advance the initiatives under the Retail ITM. It’s “Retail Re-Imagined” 5-year Roadmap for the Retail Sector’s hopes to help bring about greater value creation in the retail industry through innovation; enhance retailers’ productivity and capabilities as well as maximise workforce potential for improved business growth and internationalisation.

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