Company name

Supply Chain Asia Community Ltd

Country of Incorporation

9 Jurong Town Hall Road, #01-01 Trade Association Hub, 609431

Enterprise Type

Trade Association / Chamber of Commerce


Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Professional Societies

Supply Chain Asia (SCA) was founded in 2005 by Paul Lim as a networking platform to bring supply chain and logistics professionals to network, make friends and learn from each other.

Over the years, the community grew in numbers and focus. In 2011, with the support from the Economic Development Board (EDB) of Singapore under its International Not For Profit (IOPO) scheme, it was formally registered as a not-for-profit professional body provided funding support for SCA .

The three main focus of SCA is connecting people from various sectors of the industry, encouraging communication amongst professionals and creating opportunities for collaborations. The four main pillars of the organisations are memberships, events, academy and publication.

SCA holds various events annually to provide networking and learning opportunities for the community. The organisation also provides training courses in the area of logistics and SCM, equipping attendees with skills that are applicable to the real working scenarios in the industry. As for membership, SCA aims to develop a close-knit community that continues to better itself by leveraging on SCA platform and services.

SCA publishes a bi-annual magazine that is available in Apr and Sep. The issue in September coincides with its annual Forum and Awards celebration.

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