Company name
Tecnisco Advanced Materials Pte Ltd (Formerly Apphia Advanced Materials Pte Ltd)
Country of Incorporation
70 Tuas South Street 5, 637806
Enterprise Type
Tecnisco Advanced Materials Pte Ltd, established in 2009 (UEN: 200911856K), is a manufacturer of High-Purity Sputtering Target and Evaporation Materials for Physical-Vapor-Deposition Thin-Film Applications. Tecnisco Advanced Materials has a committed team of metallurgists and ceramists utilising advanced manufacturing technologies to develop optimal metallic and ceramic sputtering target properties.
PVD materials range from High Purity Metal, Ceramic, Compound-based to customer specificed ones. Sputtering targets are configured as Planar and Rotary Tube Targets.Our PVD materials have been used by Research and University labs and large production customers, locally and worldwide.