Company name
Theben Asia Pte Ltd
Country of Incorporation
25 International Business Park, German Centre #03-22/23, 609916
Enterprise Type
Welcome to Theben: The experts for motion detectors, KNX building systems technology and much more
Behind each and every one of our products and systems is the idea of only using energy when it is absolutely necessary: whether it be an automatic light control with presence and motion detectors or LED spotlights, light control with dimmer and staircase time switches or climate control with KNX actuators, CO2 sensors and room thermostats. We call this energy saving comfort.
Along with KNX protocol products we have a successful portfolio of installaions in Asia, from airports, data centers, sensitive industries, hotels and logistics centers.
We have just won again ! Theben theMura motion/presence detector receives German Design Award 2021
The Theben theMura motion/presence detectors for wall mounting have recently won the prestigious German Design Award 2021 in the “Building and Elements” category. The devices look great in any interior thanks to their particularly sleek and attractive design. (Haigerloch, 18th January 2021)
It all started with the first staircase time switch, which the company founder Paul Schwenk manufactured in 1921. And this also applies today to presence and motion detectors as well as to the worldwide KNX standard, which Theben played a major role in developing. The group of companies has long been represented in over 60 countries around the globe. In addition to Germany, the group has twelve subsidiaries and branches worldwide.
Our bestsellers such as the ELPA staircase timer or the theben timer, of which we have delivered 30 million each over the decades. This also includes the invention of the presence detector in 1992 and the diverse series installation devices of the top2 family with which Theben has become the market leader. Theben was also able to set standards in the area of KNX systems again and again.
Theben is again one of the TOP 100 companies.